O-YES Global Foundation

Focus Areas

As education is the base to bring about the desired change in a society, and central to the development and improvement of the lives of young people, O-YES aims to empower the youth through teaching, experience & knowledge sharing platforms, trainings, workshops, seminars, and programs.

O-YES recognizes the importance of entrepreneurship and supporting youth to develop new ideas and to discover new ways of looking at problems and opportunities. And apply creative solutions to the problems and opportunities in order not to enhance only their lives but also enrich society by reducing youth unemployment and poverty.

For youth to be prepared to work in partnership with adults, they need to develop and enhance their leadership skills. Thus, O-YES has designed youth leadership programs that aims at improving the leadership skills/abilities of the youth and enable them to be active leaders of the society.

Believing that Youth unemployment can lead to social exclusion and unrest. And the ability of youth to engage in productive activities has both social and economic consequences for an economy, O-YES committed and strive to seek and create productive employment, safe and acceptable work.

Believing that Youth unemployment can lead to social exclusion and unrest. And the ability of youth to engage in productive activities has both social and economic consequences for an economy, O-YES committed and strive to seek and create productive employment, safe and acceptable work.

Outh civic engagement & volunteering is very essential to make a difference in the civic life of one’s community. O-YES focuses on four pillars namely, Civic Action, Civic Commitment, Civic Skills and Social Cohesion to develop programs & activities that combine knowledge, skills, values, and motivation of the youth to make this difference. These programs/activities enrich the lives of youths and are socially beneficial to the community.